波士顿的 推荐体验


城市游轮是我抵达波士顿后做的第一件事,了解波士顿历史的简单基础非常棒!波士顿的景色也非常壮观。- 威尔-卡特
昨晚,我包租了波士顿精英号,参加一个 50 人的私人活动,这是一次绝对一流的体验。服务无可挑剔--从预订体验到船上船员--每个人都不遗余力地让我们感到宾至如归。我的团队对我们的游轮赞不绝口。特别要感谢格蕾丝和阿什利,是她们的出色工作让我们的出游取得了巨大成功!- 林赛客人
波士顿之旅令人惊叹!我们乘坐的是日落晚餐游轮!我们下午 6 点到达,船在 7 点过一点靠岸,晚上 10 点左右返回。晚餐和甜点都是自助式的,食物很不错。波士顿的美景也值得一看!有两个舞池,音乐很好听!工作人员超级友好,每个人似乎都很喜欢在这里工作- 珍妮-爱

Boston Whale Watching: Naturalist Notes – 09/20/23 to 09/22/23

Whale Sightings 09/20/23 to 09/22/23. Please find the Naturalist Notes for the week of 09/20/23 to 09/22/23 from the onboard team of naturalists for our New England Whale Watching tour


The Best Boston Networking Event Venues

If you’re in search of a one-of-a-kind Boston networking event venue, look no further than the floating event spaces City Cruises has to offer. Some people love it, and some


Boston Whale Watching: Naturalist Notes – 09/13/23 to 09/18/23

Whale Sightings 09/13/23 to 09/18/23. Please find the Naturalist Notes for the week of 09/13/23 to 09/18/23 from the onboard team of naturalists for our New England Whale Watching tour


Boston Whale Watching: Naturalist Notes – 09/06/23 to 09/12/23

Whale Sightings 09/06/23 to 09/12/23. Please find the Naturalist Notes for the week of 09/06/23 to 09/12/23 from the onboard team of naturalists for our New England Whale Watching tour


Meeting Spaces in Boston Are Meant to Be on the Water

Boston, often referred to as “The Hub” due to its historical and cultural significance, is a vibrant city that offers a blend of rich history, arts, and diverse attractions. Whether


Boston Whale Watching: Naturalist Notes – 08/30/23 to 09/05/23

Whale Sightings 08/30/23 to 09/05/23. Please find the Naturalist Notes for the week of 08/30/23 to 09/05/23 from the onboard team of naturalists for our New England Whale Watching tour


Boston Whale Watching: Naturalist Notes – 08/23/23 to 08/29/23

Whale Sightings 08/23/23 to 08/29/23. Please find the Naturalist Notes for the week of 08/23/23 to 08/29/23 from the onboard team of naturalists for our New England Whale Watching tour


Exciting Corporate Events in Boston

When you think of Boston, Massachusetts, what comes to mind? The Freedom Trail? The New England Aquarium? A delicious food and drink scene? Well, all of the above are true,


Boston Whale Watching: Naturalist Notes – 08/16/23 to 08/21/23

Whale Sightings 08/16/23 to 08/21/23. Please find the Naturalist Notes for the week of 08/16/23 to 08/21/23 from the onboard team of naturalists for our New England Whale Watching tour


Boston Whale Watching: Naturalist Notes – 08/09/23 to 08/15/23

Whale Sightings 08/09/23 to 08/15/23. Please find the Naturalist Notes for the week of 08/09/23 to 08/15/23 from the onboard team of naturalists for our New England Whale Watching tour




